2. Like other American Indians, the Ojibwe lived according to the cycle of the seasons. Whatever the time of year,people provided for themselves from the forests and fields with little harm to the wilderness that surrounded them.
3. The Ojibwe lived in wigwams made of saplings lashed together and covered with sheets of birch bark or reed mats. There practical buildings coulo be easily set up in the woods.
4. Although the Ojibwe spoke closely related languages and had many customs in common, they didi not unite themselves around a central government. Instead, they chose to live in seminomadic bands.
5.Each person in an Ojibwe band was born into a clan, a kind of extended family, named for a bird, fish, or mammal. The word totem is drawn from the Ojibwe term ototeaman, which indicates belonging, or being related, to one's kin.
Grade B (very good summaries in your own words but you CANNOT copy words and sentences from other websites onto your blog. That is cheating and called plagiarism. Everything on your blog MUST be your own words only!