2.The daughter of the moon, when the ice-cold west wind swept into her clothing and killed her, her mother found a thiny infant. The mother tenderly mursed infant and in time he grew into the strong and handsome Nanabozho. And nanabozho was simply too timid and filled with youthful innocence to show off his miraculous abilities. He could talk with the animals, and transform himself into any animal he pleased.
Both human and supernatural , Nanabozho helped and taught the Ojibwe to do something important in life. So he was their greatest hero.
3. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Ojibwe, along with other Nativet Americans, journeyed over a strip of land that once connected Siberia and Alaska. Also known as the Chippewa and the Anishinabe, the Ojibwe eventually settled in the northern Great Lakes region over five hundred years ago. According to oral history, the people onve lived to the east, near the sea, little is known about their early history in this land of rivers and lakes, except that the people gradually moved westward.
4. Spanned several hundred years, they suffered great hardhip. After that, the Ojibwe were considered the oldest brother of this alliance. Eventually, the Ojibwe spread over a vast territory.
5.Much of this region was shared with other tribes, one of the largest Native American tribes. Their sprawling lands abounded with wildlife and were rich with timber and copper. However, from the moment they first came into contact with Europeans, French explorers, traders, and missionaries in the seventeenth century-the live of the people beganto change.
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