Before this post, we talked about the history about Chinese Immigrants and Modern Chinese Immigrants. Now, let us compare them:
How they changed?
What's the different between them?
Do their some parts can connect with we learned during this semester? For example.
I. How they changed?
First, we knew that in the 19 century, many people from other countries came to USA espesially Chinese Immigrants because of the Gold Rush in California. And some american employers knew that chinese labors were cheapper than americans, and chinese labors worked so hard. So, because of that, it makes many americans lose their jobs. Then, in 1882, the USA passed " Chinese Exclusion Act" to make a limit for chinese immigrants, and also they will send chinese people back to China. But when America realized that they should open the door in China, like China is one of the biggest market in the world. So, America began to open own door for chinese immigrants again.
According to more communications between chinese and americans, it was improved during the several years. And the relationship between chinese and americans was getting better and better. More immigrants keep moving to the USA, and they built Tangren Street, Chinatwon and some things have chinese elements are really popular in the USA.
1)Chinese Immigrants like labors 2)We don't have any rights
3)We don't have any power
4)We are in the lowest class, we even don't have political class
5)Contempt, and Exclusion(Racial Discrimination)
1)We have some rights
2)We have some power
3)We have political class in the USA
4)No Racial Discrimination(maybe some person still have it)
5)We are not labors any more.
III.Do their some parts can connect with we learned during this semester? For example.
Answer: Yes, we do.
For example:
During the Civil Rights Movement, it talked about the relationship between the black and white in the USA, like before they made segeregation to separate everything between the color and white because of Racial Discrimination. And in order to get own rights in the USA, they marched and did some things to get their rights, because in the USA, the counsititution said all men are created equal, they believed. And MLK said we should use nonviolent to change them which means use love as tools to get the same rights as white people. They did, and they successed. In the modern country, although we still have some racial discrimination, we are almost equal. We are being friendly to each other. We communicate our countries and cultrue. Now, we are living the country that full of the love.
The USA is the one of the richest countries in the world, so many people wants to move to USA especially chinese people, some of them came with their whole families, some of them are single men and women, actually men is more than women who moved to USA. And many of the men will choose european women to get marriage, because less of the chinese women are in USA. However, the USA still has a racial discrimination, for example, the famous thing happened in 1982, the men who is chinese called Vincent Chin(see the picture) and he born in USA, but he was killed by the white people, it is a murder. Even now, chinese people usually live together in chinatown.
Whatever, many chinese people still move into the USA even now. According to this Table of the total Chinese Foreign(Populations), we can tell that from 1960 to 2006, the chinese population( share of all foreign born) raised up from 1.0% to 4.1%.
Although, many chinese people moved to the USA, but they still keep their own traditional costumes in
America. Like Hollywood, it has the Chinese theater that it's really famous in the America and world. And the USA also has many chinese restaurants, and they also played Beijing Opera on some special days.
"Most Chinese Americans today observe the major holidays of the Chinese lunar calendar." And the most important holiday is the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival, and the interesting thing is that it's also a school holiday in San Francisco.
In order to celebrate the holiday, chinese family members will get together, they may wear traditional clothes and they performers carry a red and gold dragon while celebrating the Lunar New Year.
Music-->Beijing Opera:
Many people are from china they can not speak English, so in order to survive in the USA, they have to learn English. Now, not just chinese people need to learn English. We knew that chinese people is the most populations in the world, and according to many chinese people moved into the USA, some Americans school has a mandarin class for American students or for non-chinese speakers. That is good to connect the world, and closed the relationship between china and America.
Look at this picture, we can know a lot of chinese people moved in California during 1850-1925. And their style still is chinese and their clothes also is chinese clothes. They built the building like chinese style building. Thus, California become the biggest and the oldest Chinatown in the United States. In short, the sister and two brothers that means when they were young, they already come to U.S. or maybe they born in U.S. Now, California has many stuffs such as photographs, riginal art and other things; also like letters, account books and diaries which things chinese people used. They showed how did Chinese people live in the U.S. And they studied in U.S and graduated from U.S college or University. However, everything shows that chinese people keeped their chinese soul lived in U.S. But maybe, they have some problems like how to commuite with American people or deal with the language problem.
Textbook(Vision of American Page 344-345,446,486,506,579) Summary:
According to the textbook, during the history time, we knew since the Gold Rush in New Mexico and California. In 1854, almost forty-five thousand of chinese people arrived in California because they dreamed of being rich by the Gold Rush. But whites expecially white miners that they said this is their land so the gold should belong to whites, and they segreated world of chinese people who immigranted in U.S. In1852 the state legislature pass the law that put a heavy tax on the Chinese in order to prompt many to turn from mining to faming, fishing, and operating restaurants. However, many chinese people have immigrated to the United States expecially California. Many chinese because of Taiping Rebellion, they immigrataned to U.S, when U.S had the Gold Rush. But during the time, many U.S people realized that chinese people will get more gold, that's bad for U.S people, so they began dislike chinese people. Then, chinese people always hard work and companies can just pay low wages for chinese labor, thus many americans lost jobs, also, because of that and centered on race and ethnicity. According to Burlingame Treaty, anti-Chinese sentiment among American workers saored, and made/enated law called " Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882", this law is to bar Chinese immigrantion to the U.S. The famous events is in the East America, because of ethnic, racial diversity, and economic competition problems between the chinese and whites, they caused the West led to tesion and conflict that exploded into raw violence totally toward to chinese immigrants. One attack is in 1885 at Rock Springs, it made twenty-eight chinese miners dead, and just two years later, white labors send at least thiry-four Chinese miners in Hells Canyon, Oregon. On the other hand, in history, many countries realized that china is a big market, like once, Europe and Japan colonized many Asian lands. Many countries wanted to control the chinese market including America, it called " the Open Door in China". In short, immigrants are the main bridge to contact the countries.
In my opinion, first, as a chinese, I really interested in how's chinese's lives in U.S and want to know what happended in history about chinese and americans. However, Chinese people come to U.S, not only brought the bad things but also they brought the good things for U.S like improving U.S economy. Also, it can improve the relationship between the counries. We can know different curlture from different countries.
"Each year, thousands of Chinese immigrants reach the U.S. hoping to fulfill dreams of freedom and wealth. But often, they find faith in God is far more valuable."
In the morden time, also every years many new chinese immigrants move into the U.S like NY city, and they choose their religions from U.S and learn the U.S religions. They also hope to achieve their dreams of freedom and get wealth lives in the U.S. However, America is the richest country in the world, thus, not only chinese people move to U.S every year, but also other countries people.
During the history time, we knew since the Gold Rush in New Mexico and California, many chinese people have immigrated to the United States expecially California.
According to the textbook and Internet, many chinese because of Taiping Rebellion, they immigrataned to U.S, when U.S had the Gold Rush. But during the time, many U.S people realized that chinese people will get more gold, that's bad for U.S people, so they began dislike chinese people. Then, chinese people always hard work and companies can just pay low wages for chinese labor, thus many americans lost jobs, also, because of that and centered on race and ethnicity. According to Burlingame Treaty, anti-Chinese sentiment among American workers saored, and made/enated law called " Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882", this law is to bar Chinese immigrantion to the U.S.
3)Why i choose this Topic?
First, as a chinese, I really interested in how's chinese's lives in U.S and want to know what happended in history about chinese and americans. However, Chinese people come to U.S, not only brought the bad things but also they brought the good things for U.S like improving U.S economy.
TOPIC #2: The history of American art in general
In U.S, American art enompassess the history of painting and visual art. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centries, many artists painted land scapes and portranits in realistic style. Also, many history nformation from pictures, thus many artists painted many war pictures to shouw the war or people during the war. Thus, histrorians can get more informations about history or war now. In U.S, painting is the main art.
2)Why I choose this Topic?
My art major is painting and drawing, so now I'm studying in U.S, I should know something about U.S art. In the history, we knew, after Declaration fo Independence in 1776, the nation need a history, so many artists began to paint history painting and portraitis such as Gilbert Stuart. And some times, pictures can show us about history, and we can easy to understand.